Individual Therapy Services for Adults, Teens, and Children
Part of living your best life starts with admitting to and addressing your mental health needs. This means that one needs to talk about what’s troubling them and what is inhibiting them from accomplishing their goal(s). In individualized therapy we can help ensure that you will receive the proper attention, support and psychological guidance that will allow for you to overcome your troubles and achieve your goal. Whatever challenges you are facing can be overcome with the defined principles of REBT (rational-emotive behavior therapy) and Dr. Broeder will direct, guide and encourage you to overcome and defeat the challenges you are dealing with such that you will become a stronger, more confident and happier individual.
Many studies on mental health and personality have demonstrated that those who make the time to address their personal issues (and related fears and worries) with a trained psychologist have an increased chance of overcoming their stress and leading a more productive and satisfying life. By having a dedicated psychologist to talk to and thereby have someone in your corner who truly understands your personal troubles you will be able to work through life’s difficulties and make the changes that you want to make in your life and lifestyle.
Working with an experienced psychologist like Dr. Broeder can help you develop into the person you want to be and/or rid yourself of the stressors that are troublesome. Having a partner in your therapy process is an ideal way to address personal problems and learn how to become a better YOU. Dr. Broeder tailors each therapy session to first address your primary emotion(s) and then to discuss your corresponding thoughts and beliefs about your particular situation. Based on such in-depth analysis Dr. Broeder will make specific recommendations so that each therapy session is a shared, two-way street whereby you can express, discuss and problem-solve but also be assured of gaining insight and direction on how best to overcome your problem(s).
Some of the more common problem areas that Dr. Broeder can and will treat are the following:
- Depression (despair, loss and suicidal thoughts)
- Anxiety Issues (worries, fears and compulsions)
- Anger Issues (learning self-control, managing provocations)
- Post-traumatic Stress Disorder & Trauma (recurring thoughts, sleep problems, fears)
- Relationship Problems (fears of or, reactions to infidelity, communication problems)
- Addictive tendencies & substance abuse issues (alcohol, pills, gambling, shopping)
- Grief counseling (coping with loss, mourning, feeling isolated)
This list does not detail all of the types of individual problems that people may encounter therefore Dr. Broeder is trained to address the particular issue that you find most distressing or problematic so for more information and to learn of the other therapeutic services that are offered please contact us directly at the number listed below.
Sarasota Couples Therapy for a Strong and Happy Relationship
People who enjoy happy, long-term relationships typically attest to the notion that “it takes a lot of work”. Dr. Broeder is well aware that it is often difficult for one to organize and structure their life so that they can be the productive individual that they aspire to become so adding a second individual to that equation can make things difficult. It is also common for all couples to experience different types of problems or troubles as life is ever-changing. The common denominator is for the couple to learn how best to share, express and talk with each other so that they can come to a common understanding or, an agreed upon compromise.
Couples therapy is designed to assess the partners trust and empathy for one another and thereby design a strategy to improve their communication. Dr. Broeder will discuss with both partners the history of their personal issues and thereby construct a strategy to offset such harmful cycles from repeating. In this regard the couple can begin to feel reassured and empowered that things will change and that their relationship will become more gratifying.
By talking out the unexpressed issues and to stop the fighting and arguing is a major emphasis of the therapy process. Dr. Broeder will help the couple address their respective thoughts and feelings in such a manner as to help both parties start to feel understood and become reconnected in a positive and healthy fashion so that they re-learn how to be a ‘team’. Relationship building is a key to success and this can be accomplished through various exercises and behavioral changes that will be recommended.
Couples therapy is designed to address a variety of situations or problem areas such as the following:
- Learning to listen to what is being shared, not just hearing what was said;
- Focusing on specifically identifying a problem as opposed to simply complaining;
- Allowing for the open and honest expression of emotions but not escalating into anger;
- Discussing significant problems such as intimacy, sexual conflicts, money matters;
- Focusing on joint problem-solving; especially regarding children, in-laws and friends
The above is but a short list of some very common or typical problem areas that many couples are confronted by but this list does not reflect all of the issues or types of problems that any couple might experience. For example, pre-marital counseling and divorce or break-up counseling brings forth specific issues and communication problems that warrant immediate attention and specific recommendations. Dr. Broeder is well-equipped to address these delicate and highly emotional problem areas. Simply contact the office directly and Dr. Broeder will work with you to ensure a satisfying resolution to such problems.
Family Therapy in Florida
The way in which family members relate to one another has a significant impact on how any family member may interact with others. In this fashion, how the family is relating to one another will impact all subsequent relationships such as with teachers, coaches, neighbors, friends and eventually a significant ‘other’. Therefore, family therapy was designed to assist and direct the family to work as a collective group whereby the family ‘system’ is intact. Dr. Broeder will work with all family members to address the various dynamics that may have become bad-habits that create ongoing emotional challenges for many of the members of the family.
One of the biggest misconceptions about family therapy is that it is limited to focusing on the children. Dr. Broeder is of the philosophy that family therapy is meant to engage all family members to have a voice, i.e., to be heard. This does not mean that the children make the rules or that the parents become dictators, rather Dr. Broeder utilizes the “family systems” approach. This strategy helps all family members learn how to communicate with one another in a respectful and mindful manner. By working as a group in having such discussions the parents do not abdicate their authority rather they allow for the children to express their feelings and the parents can demonstrate acceptance, compassion and understanding while still enforcing the values that are important to the family as a ‘unit’.
A sample of some of the more common types of family therapy that are addressed by Dr. Broeder are:
- Communication building (taking turns listening, not interrupting, controlling reactions, etc.)
- Anger control (learning to use “I” statements, expressing different emotions, etc.)
- Problem-solving (asking for suggestions, creating steps to make a change, etc.)
- Parental limit-setting (establish boundaries and guidelines, developing a code of conduct, etc.)
- Reinforcements and consequences (explaining benefits and costs of behaviors, rewards and punishments, etc.)
These are simply a sample of the types of issues that are addressed but the problems may range from abusive relationships to substance abuse issues to self-isolation and acting-out behaviors to neglect and withdrawal. Regardless of the problems that have been identified, Dr. Broeder and his trusting staff will identify the issue and construct a plan to deal with such family dynamics.
Family Forensic Psychology
Divorce is difficult not just for the parents, but especially the children. When child custody and visitation are involved, emotions run even higher. It’s common for couples to have trouble reaching an agreement. However, the longer disputes rage on, the more emotional instability a child will face. It’s difficult for children to understand why their parents are fighting. It’s also unhealthy for them to feel uncertain about basic things like where they’ll live and where they’ll go to school.
In some cases, couples find that they simply cannot reach an agreement. Other times, credible allegations of abuse, neglect, substance abuse, or mental health issues complicate the process. These types of problems need to be evaluated.
When situations like this occur, a family forensic psychologist can help. These professionals are typically appointed by the courts or hired by one or both parties involved in the dispute. Either way, a forensic psychologist always has the best interests of the child at heart.
During the evaluation, the forensic psychologist provides a detailed psychological analysis of each family member. Interviews with all parties are necessary so the experiences of every member of the family are documented and considered. In addition, the analysis may include standardized testing and behavioral observation. The psychologist may interview third parties, like teachers. They may also evaluate documents, such as medical records.
The ultimate purpose is to evaluate each person’s role in the parent/child relationship. This information is then used to make a recommendation for child custody and visitation rights.
As a licensed mental health professional, Dr. Broeder provides forensic psychological services for families in Florida. Contact us to learn more about how we can help resolve your custody dispute.
Additionally, Dr. Broeder serves in the role as ‘Re-unification’ therapist whereby he assists in helping, guiding and directing parents become re-connected with their child or children. In these types of cases there might have been a degree of separation or estrangement that will now warrant a period of parent & child re-familiarizing themselves with one another. Dr. Broeder has a established protocol that will best facilitate this process such that all parents can enjoy a happier and more constructive relationship with their child(ren).
Lastly, Dr. Broeder can also serve as a parent coordinator and as a parenting-plan facilitator whereby he works with divorced or divorcing families and will provide guidance and psychological assistance to the family and/or the court system to establish what is in the child’s or children’s best interests.
Collaborative Divorce
As one of the original, founding members of the Sarasota Collaborative Family Law Professional Group (found at Dr. Broeder clearly understands and appreciates the value of helping parties solve their divorce by a process of communication as opposed to litigating. A majority of divorcing couples do not realize that they do not have to fight or argue. The research in this relatively new field is that it is most ideal for couples to agree on the terms of their divorce without court time or a judge having to make a decision on their life! This communication process referred to as ‘collaboration’ will ultimately save the family time, money and most importantly emotional energy.
However, even with such a mutual approach many divorcing couples still experience moments of anger, confusion and despair and may fight or argue. Yet, with the collaborative team such dilemmas are circumvented by the team ‘Facilitator’.
Dr. Broeder will intercede and deal with the parties either individually or collectively to minimize such emotionality and thereby direct the process back to problem-solving. As the facilitator Dr. Broeder is but one of four members of the collaborative team who work together in a respectful and mindful manner to hep the divorcing parties establish the parameters of their divorce.
By the conclusion of this process both parties will have agreed to all of the critical terms of their divorce. This will naturally include a division of their assets, including the house and property as well as a complete outline of the custodial arrangements for their children, especially defining child support and spousal support issues.
The collaborative TEAM consists of a neutral financial expert such as a CPA, the ‘Facilitator’, who is trained in psychological principles of group work and child development and two attorneys serving as representatives for each party. The process unfolds according to the following procedural outline:
- Define and address each problem area
- Ascertain all financial records and analyze that data
- Discuss parenting practices and introduce the design of a parenting plan
- Provide financial advice and guidance to both parties
- Discuss and consider all options for joint resolutions
- Allow for and direct the parties to discuss and negotiate with each other
- Sign a mutually designed and acceptable agreement including assets and a parenting plan
The collaborative process is predicated on a combination of negotiation and mediation. It works very well, especially if both parties are willing to work on discussing and defining their designs on a final outcome. The ultimate goal is for the Facilitator, Dr. Broeder to help the parties come to a mutual, fair, and equitable settlement that both parties find satisfactory and agreeable. By focusing on such a joint resolution the parties avoid added financial burdens, extra court times and delays thereby allowing the parents and their children to begin the healing process and minimize the hurt, pain and anguish associated with divorcing families.
Public Speaking
If you, your company or organization were in need of a psychologist to prepare a seminar for an upcoming event then Dr. Broeder would be happy to oblige and devise a ‘talk’ on one of the following topics:
- Parent Effectiveness Skills Training
- Recognizing and dealing with substance abuse and addictive behaviors
- Helping children cope with Feelings (i.e., preventing suicidal impulses)
- Overcoming Anxiety and Anger
- Coping with Divorce and Moving On with your Life
- Dealing with Sexual issues
Dr. Broeder has made a presentation on these and related topics. His focus is meant to be both educational and thought provoking. The key elements of his presentations are to introduce interesting psychological concepts, interactive exercises, anecdotal stories and personal reflections on past cases that he had treated and/or evaluated thereby making the event entertaining and educational.
Each presentation will have had a defined list of objectives that would have been presented, addressed, and discussed so that each participant will have a keener understanding of the topic at hand. The attendees will benefit by feeling educated and to some degree motivated to pursue change and take action.
Dr. Broeder’s presentations are ideal for a wide variety of arenas. These include conferences, church groups, support groups and retreats. If you have an idea of what type of psychological topic you would prefer to have discussed please contact Dr. Broeder’s office directly and he will discuss how best to design such a workshop.
Do you already have an idea of what you’re looking for? We can custom-tailor workshops and seminars to meet your group’s unique goals. If you have a topic in mind, there’s a good chance we can cover it. Contact us to discuss your needs and learn how we can help.